.. _json_woc_project_file: Woc Project File Schema for JSON ******************************** Description =========== This json file is used to build a domain on the portal. You can create a default project (.wopr) with the :ref:`woc compiler ` using the -c [project name]. .. code-block:: console woc -c beers Definition ========== The ``Woc Project`` schema is defined as: * ``object`` -- The Woc Project * **domain** (``str``) -- The name of you domain. * **language** (``object``) -- The language of your domain. * **concepts** (``list[str]``) -- The concept that your domain will produce. * **sources** (``list[str]``) -- The wow source files you want to compile. * **dependencies** (``list[str]``) -- The list of domains your project depends on. ex: ['english-entity'] * **short_description** (``str``) -- The description that will appear in the portal in the domain card. * **examples** (``list[Example]``) -- This will appear in the detail info in the portal. The ``Example`` is object describing a example of a concept. * **concept** (``str``) -- The name of the concept. * **sample** (``str``) -- A sample of what will be matched. * **desc** (``str``) -- The description of what will be matched. Example ======= .. code-block:: json { "domain": "beers", "language": "english", "concepts": ["Beer"], "sources": [ "src/beers.wow", ] }