
Application ID eot_quotes

Application Aliases quotes.app eot/quotes.app


The Quotes application enables you to extract quotations from your documents, even when the quotes extend through several sentences of text.

The application performs a lookup when a QuotationScope concept is found, that encompasses the Quotation and the QuotationAuthor. You can find this in the quotation domain or you can make your own custom domain with this concept.


The configuration is an object defined as (bold = required, italic = optional):

  • mentions (array[string]) – A list of the concepts that are mentioned in the quote and that you will be added to the results. Note: The Entities must be present in the analysis.


Collecting quotations from a document.

wow -p "english,quotation,quotes.app" \
    -i '"EyeOnText has cool technology", said John Smith.'

which yields:

        "text": "\" EyeOnText has cool technology \" ,",
        "author": "John Smith",
        "begin_offset": 0,
        "end_offset": 49

Collecting quotations from a document and collection Concepts.

wow -p 'english,entity,quotation,quotes(["Company"]).app' \
    -i '"EyeOnText has cool technology", said John Smith.'

which yields:

        "text": "\"EyeOnText has cool technology\"",
        "begin_offset": 0,
        "end_offset": 31,
        "mentions": [
                "uri": "Company",
                "text": "EyeOnText"
        "author": "John Smith"

For an interpretation of the JSON data, refer to the application’s JSON schema.