
Application ID eot_themes

Application Aliases eot/


The Themes application discovers the most relevant themes or categories in your documents and the words that have been identified as clues for each enclosed theme.


The configuration is an object defined as (bold = required, italic = optional):

  • collect (array[string]) – The array of concepts of interest

  • collect:uri (boolean) – A boolean flag indicating if the concept should be included

  • collect:exclude (object) – An object with the attributes, key values to be excluded

  • attributes (array[string]) – The attributes used for the theme categories

  • count (number) [optional] – The maximal number of topics to be returned. Must be strictly positive

  • threshold (number) [optional] – The minimal threshold value of the topics. Valid values are in the range [0,100]

  • debug_info (boolean) – Add debug information in the results.

For example, to collect the Person, Company and Event where:

  • Person: we do not include the URI, but we look at the "position" attribute

  • Company: we keep the URI but we exclude all companies in the "media" sector, as they are often mentioned in articles but do not really add value

  • Event: we take the attributes "sector" and "theme"

the following configuration would be used:

    "collect": {
        "Person": { "uri": false, "attributes": ["position"]},
        "Company": { "uri": true, "exclude": {"sector": ["media"]}},
        "Event": {}
    "attributes": ["sector", "theme"]


Identifying the most prominent themes:

wow -p 'english,semantic-theme,' \
    -i "There have been 780 confirmed cases of monkeypox, the World Health Organization says."

which yields:

        "name": "healthcare",
        "relevancy": 100
        "name": "viral infection",
        "relevancy": 67
        "name": "pathology",
        "relevancy": 33

For an interpretation of the JSON data, refer to the application’s JSON schema.