woc – Wowool Compiler#

The wowool compiler is used to compile your .wow source files into a domain.

run woc (wowool compiler):

(python) woc –help


woc -o mydomain.dom *.wow


usage: woc [-h] [--version] [-f] [-l LANGUAGE] [--lxware LXWARE] [-s] [-t]
           [--disable-plugin-calls] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-v VERBOSE] [-j THREADS]
           [-p PROJECT] [-c PROJECT] [--ignore-codes IGNORE_CODES]
           [input_files ...]

Positional Arguments#


Sources file to compile (.wow)

Named Arguments#


Version information

Default: False

-f, --force

Force a full rebuild

Default: False

-l, --language

Language to be used to perform checks on stems


location of the language files

-s, --strict

compile in strict mode.

Default: False

-t, --unit-test

Perform the unit-test in the wow files.

Default: False


Disable call to the plugin module

Default: False

-o, --output_file

Name of the output filename (.dom)

-v, --verbose

Verbosity level: trace,debug,info,warning,error,fatal

Default: “info”

-j, --threads

Number of threads to use.

Default: 4

-p, --project

Use the given .wopr project file

-c, --create

Create a project file


disable/enable warnings, see help for all the posible values or use the hex values in the messages itself.


See Testing keywords