Using pip#


To install the SDK you will need access to our python repository before you can pip install the sdk.

You can do this in multiple ways:

  • export a environment variable: PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL

export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://partners:[password]
  • Using pip

pip3 config set global.extra-index-url https://partners:[password]


The SDK#

To install the base package, the english language and entities and a community license run the following:

pip3 install eot-wowool-sdk eot-wowool-domain-english-entity eot-wowool-community-license


Format: pip3 install eot-wowool-domain-[language]-[domain]

pip3 install eot-wowool-domain-english-entity

Ex: pip3 install eot-wowool-domain-english-entity

See available domains: Domains


Running the driver requesting entities:

wow -p "english,entity" -i "John Smith works for EyeOnText in Antwerp."


On some platforms it has to compile the tokenizer, this may take a while but it will only do it once.