Configuration API for Python#

The eot.wowool.native.core.engine.Engine object has information about the native sdk package and functions as a caching object to store language file and domains.

class eot.wowool.native.core.engine.Engine#

Engine is a class that keeps important information loaded into memory and shares it with the Languages and the Domains

__init__(data=None, lxware=None, **kwargs)#
property bin: str#

a (str) with the location of the executables (wow)

property lib: str#

a (str) with the location of the libraries (wow)

property lxware: List[pathlib.Path]#

a (str) with the location of the lingware files

purge(nrof_domains=None, life_time=None)#

purge the domains loaded in the engine. If no arguments have been passed, then all domains will be removed.


nrof_domains: number of domains we want to keep in the cache.


life_time: The time in seconds of the domains you want to keep. Remove all the domains that have not been accessed older the life_time value.


release a specific domain