woc – Wowool Compiler#

Wowool Compiler or woc is the command line utility provided by the eot-wowool-portal-client Python package allowing you to compile Wowool sources (.wow files) into a domain.


For more information, refer to the tutorials.


Call self as a function.

usage: woc [-h] [--version] [-k API_KEY] [--host HOST] [--domain DOMAIN]
           [-l LANGUAGE] [--full] [--strict] [-p PROJECT] [-c PROJECT]
           [sources ...]

Positional Arguments#


Source files to compile (.wow)

Named Arguments#


Version information

Default: False

-k, --api-key

API key, available via the Portal. Environment variable: EOT_WOWOOL_PORTAL_API_KEY


URL to the Portal. Environment variable: EOT_WOWOOL_PORTAL_HOST


Name of the domain

-l, --language

Language of the domain


Rebuild all sources

Default: False


Build in strict mode

Default: False

-p, --project

Use the given .wopr project file

-c, --create

Create a project file