Use cases#

In this sections you will find examples of how you can solve some use cases using the existing wowool pipelines.

Business News#

The business-news domain can help build some useful use cases:

Risk Management#

You can follow companies and assess the risk they run based on the facts captured by the business-news domain:

  • Disruptions, such as change in management, product recalls, closures, mergers and acquisitions.

  • Problems related to the reputation of the company, such as lawsuits, cyber incidents or sentiment.

  • Financial situation of a company as portrayed in the news.

Who is who#

Find who is who in a company: names, positions and even areas of expertise if you combine it with the topics or themes apps.


Some of the most prominent use cases using the sentiment domain are the following:

Brand reputation#

Monitor whether the chatter about your company, brand or products is positive or negative.

Conversation monitoring#

Find supportive or antagonistic remarks, personal insults or even threats.


Find pathologies, symptoms, diagnoses, medication, dosages.

Therapies and treatments: What seems to work? What are the side effects?

Identify physical and mental health issues that might require intervention.