
Application ID eot_phones

Application Aliases eot/


The Phones application enables you to enrich phone number annotations in your documents by:

  • Resolving land lines depending on city or countries it has encountered in the document

  • Collecting all phone numbers present in the document

The application performs a lookup when a PhoneNr concept is found. You can find this in the contact-info domain or you can make your own custom domain with this concept.


The configuration is an object defined as (bold = required, italic = optional):

  • countries (array[string]) – List of default country names that could resolve a local phone number

  • distance (number) – The maximum distance between a location and the phone number to be considered. Default: 200


Finding, collecting and normalizing phone numbers:

wow -p "english,contact-info," \
    -i "I live in Antwerp and my phone number is 03/230 30 46."

which yields:

        "phone_nr": "+3232303046",
        "country_code": 32,
        "country": "Belgium",
        "location": "Antwerp"

For an interpretation of the JSON data, refer to the application’s JSON schema.