Entity Graph Results Schema for JSON#

Application ID eot_entity_graph


The EntityGraphResults schema describes the structure of the JSON data returned from the Entity Graph application by the SDK or the Portal before it is returned into a native programming object such as EntityGraph object for Python.


The EntityGraphResults schema is defined as:

  • array[EntityGraphLink] – The list of links between entities

with the EntityGraphLink schema defined as:

  • object – The entity link

    • from (EntityGraphItem) – The source node of the link

    • to (EntityGraphItem) – The target node of the link

    • relation (EntityGraphItem) – The edge between the source and target nodes

with the EntityGraphItem schema defined as:

  • object – The entity description

    • label (string) – The desired name of the node or link

    • name (string) – The literal or stem of a concept or string expression that is the value of a node or edge

    • attributes (object[ string:array[string] ]) – The attributes to be included, if any have been found


The following is an example of the JSON results for this application:

        "from": {
            "label": "Person",
            "name": "John Smith",
            "attributes": { "gender" : [ "male" ] }
        "relation": {
            "label": "works_for",
            "name": "works_for"
        "to": {
            "label": "Company",
            "name": "Eyeontext"